Smart Retail

Sales and Service

A potential customer drives past a furniture showroom on the way home from work—Zero Gravity Smart Chair 30% Off scrolls across the windshield of their smart car. This is not luck; instead, it’s targeted messaging generated by IoT coupled with predictive analytics. This customer is 99% more likely to buy because:

  • It’s nighttime, when the buyer is more susceptible to suggestions;
  • The buyer is on the way home from work, so the idea of a recliner chair is appealing; 
  • The 30% discount is tailor-offered by analyzing the consumer’s cloud data and applying artificial intelligence.

Welcome to the retail Metaverse!—Tracking devices and artificial intelligence allow businesses to predict consumer behavior and serve customized, irresistible offers at the right place and time. Never struggle with cold leads or incorrect targeting again.

Targeted Marketing 

Far beyond targeted discounts, Ennoconn clients leverage Metaverse sales and marketing technology decades before other retailers. Imagine a virtual rendering of the customer’s home appears before their eyes, allowing them to visualize how the chair would look next to the fireplace or in the entertainment area. IoT-enabled devices can sync with buyer biometrics—the customer’s favorite music might stream from the cloud through the buyer’s augmented-reality glasses, or hot spot activity might signal a real-time change in product preference. A video is cued, expertly pitching the benefits of the chair’s warmed seat, lower back massage, and surround-sound speakers, eliminating the need for a human salesperson.

Why stop at a physical chair? A free incentive is offered—a virtual representation of the chair for the user’s virtual home. Consumer identification with your brand is reinforced—digital goods such as renderings of physical items in their personal cyberspace, or your logo placement on strategic items such as digital clothing, build customer loyalty at a low cost to you.

Inventory Management
and Smart Fulfillment

Time for checkout. Blockchain purchase options are displayed and activated with a swipe. The retail transaction is completed at the lowest cost to you and the highest level of customer satisfaction. Delivery is scheduled, inventory adjusted, and the restocking order is placed. The entire pipeline, from manufacturing to delivery, is managed end to end with an Ennoconn/Google cloud-based system.

Imagine leveraging this Metaverse technology to sell your goods and services. Now imagine you have this predictive ability and your competitors don’t.