

Stakeholder Criteria Issues of Interest Communication Channels and Frequency Contact
Employee Equal Treatment Living Environment The company communicates with employees through monthly meetings, regular seminars, mailboxes, and appointments between new employees and the president. We also set up an emergency relief fund, wedding, funeral and hospitalization fund, etc. to interact and care for employees. Joan Lee – Associate Manager of Management Department
Work Environment
Labor Relations
Physical and Mental Health
Customer Customer Focus Product and Service Quality Annual customer satisfaction survey activitiesr
Occasional customer visits and audits
Regular conference calls by project Customer-driven Quarterly Business Review (QBR)
Almon Chen – Director
Product Price Competitiveness
Delivery Time
Customer Relationship Management
Customer Privacy Protection
Supplier Prioritization based on supplier evaluation results Supplier Code of Conduct New supplier evaluation, including green supplier evaluation form/vendor evaluation report form, etc. 
Quarterly supplier evaluation system and annual evaluation summary; Unscheduled audits of suppliers;
Unscheduled communication meetings (including inviting suppliers to visit, or visiting suppliers, or conference calls)
Muriel Wei – Manager
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Community Regional service and contribution to the company Environmental Protection Annual North Coast Beach Cleanup and New Taipei Family Support Foundation Joan Lee – Associate Manager of Management Department
Youth Education
Poverty Alleviation
Investor Anyone who has invested or is interested in investing in the company Corporate Governance Monthly revenue and quarterly financial announcements
Unscheduled news updates
Regular corporate meetings or online earnings call
Global investment corporations, including corporate investors and individual investors, etc.
Annual shareholders’ meeting and publish annual report
Unscheduled visits from domestic and international Juridical Person and analysts
Unscheduled domestic and international conference and roadshows
Set up a contact window for stock and investor relations
Spokesperson Yulanda Wu – CFO
Sustainable Development Strategy
Risk Management
Shareholder Engagement
Operational Performance

Ennoconn’s board of directors reported the communication with stakeholders this year on November 13, 2024.