Major Internal Policies

Articles of Incorporation PDFEffective upon the approval by the Shareholders' meeting and subject to amendment.
Rules and Procedures of Shareholders MeetingPDFEffective upon the approval by the Shareholders' meeting and subject to amendment.
Guidelines for Nomination of DirectorsPDFEffective upon the approval by the Shareholders' meeting and subject to amendment.
Rules and Procedures of Board of Director MeetingsPDFEffective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.
Evaluation of Board of DirectorsPDFEffective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.
Rules and Regulations of Independent DirectorPDFEffective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.
Audit Committee CharterPDFEffective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.
Compensation Committee CharterPDFEffective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.
Corporate Sustainable Development Committee CharterPDFEffective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.
Procedures for Lending Funds to Other PartiesPDFEffective upon the approval by the Shareholders' meeting and subject to amendment.
Procedures for Endorsement and GuaranteePDFEffective upon the approval by the Shareholders' meeting and subject to amendment.
Procedures for Acquisition or Disposal of AssetsPDFEffective upon the approval by the Shareholders' meeting and subject to amendment.
Procedures for Handling Material Inside InformationPDFEffective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.
Rules Governing Financial and Business Matters Between this Corporation and its Affiliated Enterprises PDFEffective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.
Procedures and Policies for Risk ManagementPDFEffective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.
Procedures for Financial Derivatives TransactionsPDFEffective upon the approval by the Shareholders' meeting and subject to amendment.
Corporate Sustainable Development PolicyPDFEffective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.
Preparation and Assurance Procedures for the Sustainability ReportPDFEffective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.
Sustainability Information Management ProceduresPDFEffective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.
Corporate Governance Code of PracticePDF1.Effective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.
2.The directors of the company did not trade in the company's stocks during the closed period of 30 days before the announcement of the annual financial report and the 15 days before the announcement of each quarterly financial report in 2024.
Procedures for Ethical Management and Conduct PrinciplesPDFEffective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.
Insider Trading RulesPDFEffective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.
Code of EthicsPDFEffective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.
Intellectual Property ManagementPDFEffective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.

Note 1: The Board meeting on November 11, 2021 approved the establishment of the intellectual property management.

Note 2: The implementation of the Company's 2024 intellectual property management plan was reported to the Board on November 13, 2024, which included five major components of patent management, trademark management, copyright management, trade secret protection, and human resource management.
Management Measures for Personal Data ProtectionPDFEffective upon the approval by the Board meeting and subject to amendment.
Ennoconn IT Security Risk Management PolicyPDFEffective upon the approval by the CEO.
Ennoconn Corporation Sustainable Procurement GuidelinesPDFAnnouncement after approval by the President and subject to amendment.
Supplier Evaluation Management Program PDFAnnouncement after approval by the President and subject to amendment.
Supplier Code of ConductPDFAnnouncement after approval by the President and subject to amendment.
ESG Self-Assessment Survey FormPDFAnnouncement after approval by the President and subject to amendment.
Biodiversity and No Deforestation Commitment PDFAnnouncement after approval by the President and subject to amendment.
Sustainable Raw Materials Policy PDFAnnouncement after approval by the President and subject to amendment.
Human Rights PolicyPDFEffective upon the approval by the CEO.
2024 Human Rights Risk Identification and Due Diligence Report PDFEffective upon the approval by the President.
Occupational safety and health policyPDFEffective upon the approval by the CEO.
Occupational safety and health work rulesPDFEffective upon the approval by the CEO.
Workplace Sexual Harassment Prevention Measures, Complaints and Punishment MeasuresPDFAnnouncement after approval by the President and subject to amendment.
Safety commitment PDFEffective upon the approval by the CEO.
Maternal protection planPDFEffective upon the approval by the CEO.
Human-induced hazard prevention planPDFEffective upon the approval by the CEO.
Abnormal workload prevention planPDFEffective upon the approval by the CEO.
Unlawful infringement in the workplace prevention planPDFEffective upon the approval by the CEO.
Environmental Energy PolicyPDFAnnouncement after approval by the President
Waste Management Measures
PDFAnnouncement after approval by the President and subject to amendment.
ISO 9001 CertificationPDFCertificate Expiry on 2023/03/13 ~ 2026/03/12
ISO 14064-1 Certification PDFPeriod covered by GHG emissions verification: 2024/01/01~2024/12/31
ISO 50001 CertificationPDF Certificate Expiry on 2023/06/04 ~ 2026/06/03
ISO 27001 CertificationPDF Certificate Expiry on 2023/06/13 ~ 2026/06/12
ISO 45001:2018 Certification PDFCertificate Expiry on 2024/01/10 ~ 2027/01/09
ISO 14001:2015 CertificationPDFCertificate Expiry on 2022/9/16 ~ 2025/9/17
ISO 20400 CertificationPDFCertificate issued on 2025/1/3